Vincent Van Gogh said “Great things are done by a series of small things brought together”. Using that mindset we continue in our relentless pursuit of making positive changes when it comes to reducing environmental impact and improving our sustainability journey.
As such we want to share this good news story from Agfa who has been an important supplier of our press plates. Here is a statement from Agfa regarding our new Adamas plate,
Adamas is under the ECO3 concept, which stands for Ecology, Economy, Extra Convenience. ECO3 innovation is committed to sustainable innovation that targets ecology, economy and extra convenience (ECO3), Agfa aims at developing cleaner and cost-effective solutions that are easy to operate and maintain, both for chemistry-free and conventional systems.
The Adamas Printing Plate is a prime example of this philosophy, requiring only small quantities of
clean-out gum when combined with the Adamas COU clean-out series. The result? No use of water, decreased waste production, lower disposal costs and a safer work environment.
At Friesens we use around 150,000 press plates annually. We have been recycling our plates for decades. The process to develop and treat them has significantly improved during that time. However, as we partner with suppliers like Agfa it is important, we continue to work together to make positive changes. This is an example of how looking at one plate it may not change much, but if you add up 150,000 plates annually, it can make a big difference.