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SellIt Assets

Why SellIt?

Friesens created SellIt to help schools generate excitement about yearbooks to improve declining sales in a competing world of social media and instant online gratification.  SellIt packages the sales and marketing tools you need to promote and sell yearbooks!  You can choose from, and customize, school posters, vinyl banners, email promotions, P.A. announcements, promotional videos and more to increase school spirit and students’ interest in yearbooks.

As well, with our SellIt Guide, you get proven yearbook marketing strategies, tips and techniques and an online ordering process for credit card purchases.


Custom HTMLs (Free)

Fine Moments


Look Back



Story Lasts

Sweet Memories


English Screen Savers (Free)

Customizable to your school.

Fine Moments


Look Back



Story Lasts

Sweet Memories


Économiseurs d’écran français (gratuits)

Personnalisable à votre école.

Beaux instants


Regarde en arrière



L’histoire dure

Doux souvenirs

Pour toujours

Social Media Graphics (Free)

Customizable to your school.

Fine Moments


Look Back



Story Lasts

Sweet Memories


Stock Horizontal Sales Posters (Free)

You will receive a selection of posters.

Our Yearbook (Blue)

School is Over

Today’s Moments


Lock in the Memories

Peace Sign

The Way You Are

Look Back on This Year

Reserve Your Yearbook

There Is a Story Behind Each Picture

Don’t Miss The Deadline

Stock Vertical Sales Posters (Free)

You will receive a selection of posters.

Fido Goodboy


Last Chance


Our Memories


Affiches de vente horizontales en stock (gratuites)

Vous recevrez une sélection d’affiches.

Retour sur cette année

Réservez votre annuaire

Il y a une histoire derrière chaque image


Ne manquez pas la date limite


Yard Signs 12″ x 18″ ($15 each)

One design on each side.  Stands included.

Disco Fever

Side 1

Side 2



Side 1

Side 2


Side 1

Side 2

Horizontal 2.5′ x 7′ Vinyl Banners with Grommets ($100 each)

Customizable banners will include the cost of the book and where to buy it.


Never Go Out of Style

Blue (Customizable)

Blue (Stock)

Orange (Customizable)

Orange (Stock)

Yellow (Customizable)

Yellow (Stock)

Vertical X-Frame (24″ x 63″) Custom Vinyl Banner ($150 each)

Will include the cost of the book and where to buy it.  Stand included in cost.

There Is A Story


Too Many Memories

Custom Banner


Use your own design!  Upload your artwork in the SellIt Marketing Order Form.

The file must be the correct size (24″ x 63″) at 300 dpi.

(Custom banner also available in horizontal style; 2.5′ x 7′, 300 dpi)