Blog | Friesens Environmental Commitment

February 25, 2020

Friesens Environmental Commitment

Friesens Commitment to the environment is built around making the best use of all our resources, and minimizing our ecological footprint. We use our resources as carefully as possible – reusing and recycling whatever we can. Any waste that leaves our plant is recycled in such a manner that it can be used again. 

It is our intention that Friesens will be an earth-friendly business through sustainable practices and eco-education. We will regularly evaluate our compliance with all environmental laws and regulations, and introduce best practice standards throughout our firm. Friesens has for a long time been a steward to our environment, and will continue to be a leader in environmental stewardship. 

Friesens was the first book manufacturer in Canada to be certified by The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC). The Forest Stewardship Council is an international certification and labeling system for products that come from responsibly managed forests and other responsible sources. 

Friesens supports Canopy, an organization that works to protect the world’s forests, species and climate by collaborating with business leaders, scientists and decision-makers to help create sustainable supply chains and foster innovation solutions to environmental challenges. 

Friesens offers three types of environmental labelling: The Eco Audit Label shows environmental resources have been saved by using post-consumer waste paper. Based on calculations by the Environmental Paper Network, the label shows the benefits of using PCW paper. The Forest Stewardship Council Label shows that the wood fibre in the paper has been tracked from a certified forest to the end user. This paper designation confirms the pulp used comes from responsibly managed forests. The Ancient Forest FriendlyTM Label certifies that the pulp used to make the paper is sourced from regions that do not contain any ancient forests. 

Did you know?

  • Friesens uses approximately 13,000 tons of paper per year
  • 90% of that paper is FSC (The Forest Stewardship Council) certified
  • 100% of the paper waste from the press room, bindery, prepress, and our offices is baled and recycled
  • We use vegetable-based inks that are delivered in reusable barrels 
  • We recycle 267,000 lbs of aluminum printing plates annually
  • Hydroelectric power and wind farms provide energy for our plants
  • We created a waste management system that helps us successfully track our waste and minimize waste in the production of your book

Trees are amazing!

  • Trees clean the air, removing pollution such as carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide
  • One mature ‘leafy’ tree produces enough oxygen for ten people to breathe each year
  • Tree windbreaks break the force of winter winds and can reduce home heating costs up to 30%
  • In summer, shade from trees reduces the need for air conditioning
  • Tree roots bind the soil, controlling soil erosion