Blog | Friesens Covid-19 Update May 4, 2020

May 04, 2020

Friesens Covid-19 Update May 4, 2020

Friesens Covid-19 Update May 4, 2020

Greetings from Altona, a day later than usual. I normally send this update every Friday, but I decided it was time to take a day off. Part of the day was spent at greenhouses, looking for some new perennials. Visiting the greenhouse was a pick-me-up: lots of colours, and a real feeling of renewal in the air. Then it was back home to work on getting the yard cleaned up and putting out some summer patio furniture. It’s starting to feel a little closer to normal.

Today marks a new step in the battle against COVID-19 in Manitoba. Our provincial government has made the move to slowly reopen our province for business and life. Schools will remain closed, but nonurgent health services will be restored; retail businesses, hairstylists and barbers, and restaurants with patios can reopen; and campgrounds and outdoor recreation are available again.

Presuming that this goes well, with no spike in new cases and people following the rules, another phase will occur June 1.

The human spirit has been challenged these past few weeks, but it is always amazing to see the bright spots amongst the darkness and the small acts that give great joy. This was evident in Winnipeg last week.

At Friesens, we have been fortunate that we have continued operations throughout the period our province has been shut down. The province’s steps to reopen will allow both our families and our community to slowly get back to a new state of normal. But there is no doubt that caution must still be exercised, and good judgment followed.

With the relaxing of some restrictions, this seems like a good time to scale back this weekly update to maybe every few weeks. Although the changes mentioned above will make our lives more enjoyable, in terms of plant operation not much has changed. We remain fully functional and ready to serve your needs. We know it will still be a while before business gets back to normal, and we will be ready when it does.

Thanks for letting me keep you posted the last few weeks. I look forward to updating you again in a few weeks with more news about the new state of “normal” here in Manitoba.

From our families at Friesens to yours, stay safe and well.


Doug Symington

General Sales Manager